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Every year on September 25th, we celebrate the incredible work of pharmacists worldwide. They play a crucial role in keeping us healthy!

four people inside mart

To bring attention to the crucial role that pharmacists play in healthcare, the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) created World Pharmacists Day in 2009.

The History Behind the Day

white braille paper on brown wooden table

This date marks the founding of the FIP in 1912, making it the perfect day to recognize pharmacists' contributions to medicine and health.

Why September 25?

a group of people standing on white blocks

World Pharmacists Day aims to educate people on the value of pharmacists and celebrate their essential role in the health system.

Significance of the Day

man in white dress shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses

Pharmacists play a crucial role in public health initiatives such as vaccination drives, smoking cessation programs, and managing chronic diseases. Their efforts in promoting health and preventing illness help reduce the global healthcare burden

Pharmacists in Public Health

women's red button-up collared long-sleeved shirt
turned on gold iphone 6

- Thank a pharmacist for their hard work! - Share your appreciation on social media with #WorldPharmacistsDay

How to Celebrate

silhouette of three woman with hands on the air while dancing during sunset

Happy World Pharmacists Day to all the professionals who make our world healthier! Your dedication, knowledge, and care save lives every day.
