Tips to score 95+ marks in CBSE 10th Maths

The CBSE 10th Boards exams are 4 Months away and it is possible to score 95+ marks in CBSE 10th Maths. Check out some tips to Score 95+ marks.

Check the Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Knowing the exam pattern of any exam your preparing for helps you to understand the topic wise weightage. You can check the pattern and syllabus on CBSE official website 

Prepare a Study Routine

If you want to perform well in any exam having a study routine is must. Create a routine that suites you and help you to cover the syllabus faster.

Make a separate register for formulae, theories, and methods

In mathematics formulae and the problem solving methods are most important things. Prepare a Separate register for formulae, methods and important theory which will help you to revise it.

Find Out the Important topics

While going through the paper pattern you will find some topics which have high weightage these are the important topic prepare them well.  

Refer NCERT Books

If you want to score 95+ marks in Mathematics then you need to study NCERT very well since most of the questions are asked from NECRT. Start reading Reference books on NCERT

Solve Previous Years Question Papers

Solve the previous year questions as much as you can. It will help you to manage your time effectively and also help you to understand the exam pattern.

Answer in steps

In mathematics you don't get marks for the final answer you get marks on the steps. So always answer the problems in steps which will help you get marks if you final answer is not accurate.